Rich discussions, based on collective intelligence, with different players involved in the agricultural transition
On June 13, 2022, the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels organized the first meetings of the « House of Agroecology », which aims to bring together agroecological initiatives in Belgium.
We are very pleased with the large participation of a wide range of stakeholders (more than 80 participants): NGOs, researchers, farmers, agri-food industries, distributors, retailers, etc.
Anne Trombini, director of the association « Pour une Agriculture Du Vivant « (PADV) that inspired us, opened the series of 5 presentations by explaining her experience. It was followed by presentations by Erik Mathijs – KULeuven (economics), Johan Lambrechts (indicators), Alain Peeters (agroecology in general), Arnaud Stas – Wallonie (Plan de relance de la Wallonie). Many thanks to Sarah De Greef – Yeast.One for facilitating the discussions and the World Cafés, and to all participants for their constructive exchanges.
The organizers: Emilie de Morteuil, Pascal Durdu et Johan Lambrechts (Farming4Climate), Alban Bouvy (Microfarmap), Laurent Serteyn (Greenotec), Alain Peeters (RHEA et Terres Vivantes) soutenus par Regenacterre, Voedsel Anders, LivingLab Agroecology.