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The House of Agroecology

June 15, 2022

Rich discussions, based on collective intelligence, with different players involved in the agricultural transition

On June 13, 2022, the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels organized the first meetings of the « House of Agroecology », which aims to bring together agroecological initiatives in Belgium.

We are very pleased with the large participation of a wide range of stakeholders (more than 80 participants): NGOs, researchers, farmers, agri-food industries, distributors, retailers, etc.

Anne Trombini, director of the association « Pour une Agriculture Du Vivant « (PADV) that inspired us, opened the series of 5 presentations by explaining her experience. It was followed by presentations by Erik Mathijs – KULeuven (economics), Johan Lambrechts (indicators), Alain Peeters (agroecology in general), Arnaud Stas – Wallonie (Plan de relance de la Wallonie). Many thanks to Sarah De Greef – Yeast.One for facilitating the discussions and the World Cafés, and to all participants for their constructive exchanges.

The organizers: Emilie de Morteuil, Pascal Durdu et Johan Lambrechts (Farming4Climate), Alban Bouvy (Microfarmap), Laurent Serteyn (Greenotec), Alain Peeters (RHEA et Terres Vivantes) soutenus par Regenacterre, Voedsel Anders, LivingLab Agroecology.