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Articles et évènements

Catégorie : information



Retrouvez, ci-dessous, les différentes publications, actualités, événements de The House of Agroecology qui sont autant d'occasions de nous recontrer ainsi que de découvrir certains de nos membres engagés dans la transition agroécologique.

First meeting of the colleges

On 13/11 at the “Domaine de Graux” our first college meeting was held ! The day began with a visit to the magnificent Domaine de Graux which kindly opened its doors to us. Then, we…

13 november 2023
Domaine de Graux

The progress of the House of Agroecology

On March 6, the House of Agroecology, of which some of our members are a part, met to present the positive progress of its work. Around discussion tables in “workshop” format with different actors and…

House of Agroecology meets again

This September 14, The House of Agroecology met once again to work together on creating a more resilient Belgian food industry. The initiative aims to become a “one-stop shop” for organizations and companies that want…

The House of Agroecology

Rich discussions, based on collective intelligence, with different players involved in the agricultural transition On June 13, 2022, the Fondation Universitaire in Brussels organized the first meetings of the « House of Agroecology », which aims to…

June 15, 2022